Office table: СО-7

Profile : Service provider | Ref : PSL452075YH | Country : Ukraine | Currency : EUR | Incoterm: FOB | Export: Yes | Import: Yes

Office table: СО-7
Size (height / width
/ depth) (mm)
750x1050x700 26.97
750х1100х700 27,56
750х1150х700 28,15
750х1050х600 4,34
750х1100х600 24,90
750х1150х600 25,45
Please know the information about the Ukrainian manufacturer, the supplier of office furniture, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer. Manufacturing and wholesale. Ukrainian manufacturers can develop and produce the products according to your demand on the basis of their factories (private label).

Type of ad : Product Offer

Ad reference : PSL452075YH

Advertiser reference: REF-207014

Price: 24-28

Currency : EUR

Incoterm: FOB

Minimum purchase quantity: 1000

Category: Offices

Keywords : office table | height width depth

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